Heights Baking Co.

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Holy Daze...

Now that the dust has settled from all of our holiday dinner parties; I feel like every year I vow to blog more at Rosh Hashanah. I look back on old blog posts, and I always have at least one that is about the holidays. This year is ultra important because I actually HAVE to blog more in order to get the word out about Heights Baking Co. So much has changed in even six months with the way I write or think about baking. It’s almost dare I say…. Organized. I bake Tuesday night for the market, and usually another day or so a week for our own and my own enjoyment. Not that baking for the market isn’t enjoyable. It is, I just have to double down, and focus to get it all done. I mean, I may work part time, but most of the time my teaching job feels like full time. 

This year because of baking for the market, I decided to offer round loaves of challah for sale. They sold like hotcakes once I took them to the playground for a guerilla sell. The market shut down earlier than usual, and I had three loaves of challah and two of my honey spelt to unload! My regulars met me at the park, and all was well. What I didn’t account for was…. We needed our own challah for the Rosh Hashanah dinner celebration Thursday night! We had guests coming, and so Thursday morning after services I made another three loaves!! Sold one to a friend, and the other two went on the kids table and adult tables respectively.


Along with challah we decided to start a new tradition and make chicken wings with a recipe dubbed “Afro Ahskafardi” by the food writer and culinary historian Michael Twitty. Sweet potatoes and green beans were also on the menu. It was like my Jew-Ish-black self exploded on a plate. The glaze for the wings was with Sorghum molasses, and let me tell you if you haven’t experimented with it, you are missing out. It is very much like regular molasses, except sweeter in the best way, and less bitter, but still has that molassessy thick rich goodness. 

Fast forward to this last week. The ten days of self-reflection before a day of fasting (I no longer fast, someone has to be able to hold it together for the six and three year old.) I had an evening of major baking fails, bread that I just couldn’t get right so skipped a week at the market. I baked a mac and cheese for the breakfast and felt like I would be back on track for the coming week. Check out the links for the recipes for the wings.
