Bread Club
After Thanksgiving the green market shut down for the season. Plenty of fruit and veg to be had, but the high schoolers running the market had to move on to other things. I felt sort of at loose ends wondering what would come next for Heights Baking Co.
I had this idea. I wasn't sure if it would work, or if I could actually pull it off. I wanted to do a subscription service. They're really big these days. I belong to a few. I wanted to figure out how to eliminate the potential waste that the farmers market could have on any given week. I mostly knew who would be buying and only had left over bread a few times. But still. What if people could sign up, and get a loaf of bread a week. I consulted my friends who regularly were buying my bread at the market and they loved the idea.
Bread club was born.
I decided the first three weeks of December would be the trial run. I had six people interested, and told them it would be twenty dollars for the month with a holiday bonus. I was going to be traveling and having multiple student performances at the end of the month and unable to bake beyond the 15th. December went well. It seemed to work, sometimes I ended up dropping bread in a back pack when I picked up Ella for school or passing off bread for money while walking the dog.
We are on to January, and Bread Club has expanded to twelve members. So far so good.