
Ella Bakes a Cake.


Today we decided to bake a cake. I had promised the children that I would save some of the birthday cake we made for my party on Saturday. I didn’t. The last piece stood all by it’s lonesome on the plate at midnight I decided what the hell. I’m gonna eat that. So the kids didn’t get to try it. My rational was that it had too much booze in it anyway. 


Today we all needed some cake. The children are sick of being together and I’m tired of coming up with ways to entertain them. I am not a natural stay at home mom. Summer time brings out some of my best and worst mom moments. So while Noah threw beads and cars all over the floor Ella and I retreated to the kitchen. Ella spent 10 minutes looking for a notebook. I told her the recipe was online and we could just save it, but no. SHE decided she needed to take notes on the process. I think her note taking was prompted by a conversation about how she is too young for most cooking classes. She figured she would take notes NOW for when she is eight and can take a class. So while I put the cake together she wrote down the basic steps dictated by me to make a cake. Some directions were specific to the cake we made today. This was a pretty basic cake however so her notes should help her out in the future. I tried to get her to actually DO the steps but she was very insistent that she must watch and write all of the important steps down.

 Our Tuesday cake was a brown sugar sour cream cake. A King Arthur Flour recipe that I am happy to say is perfect. I wouldn’t change a thing. And I change things all the time!!! Perfect sweetness, perfect tang from the sour cream, and the brown sugar adds an almost butterscotch flavor in the best way not being a huge fan of butterscotch. This cake was moist and gets a beautiful brown crust.