Adventures in Snack Cake

Hello, My name is Carmen, and I am addicted to cake, cookies, and doughnuts. All manner of treats really for that matter.
The first step to recovery is admitting you have a problem right?
Well, I have a problem.
I love the chewy apple and warm cinnamon of the apple fritter. The buttery snap of a chocolate chip cookie, and the way the chips melt all over my fingers, and Ella's face. Most of all, I love love love the very moist, and tart taste of the most highly caloric fattening thing that you can possibly buy at Starbucks.
The lemon pound cake.
490 calories friends. Yuck.
Starbucks isn't my only haunt. A small upper east side bakery that makes fresh croissants, and amazing muffins is a frequent stop as well. So you see, it's not just the sweets. The croissants are a constant temptation as well.
My excuse is I'm still breast-feeding. I NEED that extra 500 calories a day, and frankly I weigh less now than I did before I was pregnant. I lost the baby weight and then some. But the honeymoon wont last forever. I cannot go on like this!
I needed a solution, and fast. I can see how this is getting out of control.
I did some research. I looked up the most delicious recipe I know for lemon pound cake. Ina. The Barefoot Contessa makes an amazing cake that of course is far better than the Starbucks fare. I  looked for a similar recipe, just less fattening. Voila!  Google produces the A low fat lemon yogurt cake that just tweaks the Contessa's. Then I tweaked it some more....
I added some white whole wheat flour (yes mom, I understand the need for plenty of fiber) and choose not to make the glaze. I think next time I'll try using honey to sweeten, and use less oil. But I have to tell you, the lemon cake problem is solved. The texture, the taste are all that I could have hoped for. I have cut it placed it in zip locks and will arrive at work tomorrow with my trusty piece of cake in my bag.
Yes my friends you can have your cake and eat it too.
Now what am I going to do about that ice cream at 10 o'clock at night problem I seem to be having.....
One small step at a time.
Even Keels