Mystic Crystal Revelations

For weeks now I've tried to figure out how to say thank you to my parents, to CATCO, to Columbus, for such a magical wonderful summer.

As Brian says to Kate Monster at the end of Avenue Q. "Just say, thanks."

Thanks. Thank you, The whole Monster Community thanks you!

This summer has been one of big revelations, and discoveries for me. And thank you, if you were a part of that.

On the family end of things, it has been a truly amazing summer for Ella. She has gotten to know her grandparents (all 7 of them) and various cousins and aunts and uncles in a way that will ensure that she
most likely will remember them come holiday time. With the aide of skype for the in between times.

She has enjoyed playing in the backyard every morning with the dogs, and been a regular at the pool.

And most importantly she has had amazing bonding time with Daddy. This summer would have not been possible with out Michael playing Mr. Mom. And when he had to return to the city while I was in tech, my parents and Anna of course did a bang up job covering!!

On the job end. Avenue Q was one of the most rewarding theatre experiences for me. I have enjoyed playing with old friends and making new ones. Furry ones, and of the people variety. I've learned so much and had so much fun in the process.

We/I am very glad though to be back home in New York. The city has become home for us and our little family and this summer has made us realize that fully. The biggest question on everyones mind when they saw us in Columbus was "Oh! are you back?" or "Oh! Are you moving back now that you have a kid?" And the answer is.
We have learned to appreciate our small space, we realized how much we really don't like driving, and while the city smells in the summer, and is slushy in the winter, you can get any and everything delivered, and things are open all the time.
We love it.
And besides we are kind of tied into our quirky money pit of an apartment.

But what about the schools, you say? Where will Ella go to school?
We don't know.
BUT! We have a plan. I have lists! Of preschools, of elementary schools, middle schools, and high schools.
Middle school, now that will be tricky.... but maybe not.
We have some time.

Now that we are home the biggest question by the regulars on the corner is "where'd you go? We thought you hit the numbers!!"
We wish.
You've got to play them to win them.
Good Night and Good Luck Columbus, see you next time.
Even Keels